Thursday, August 25, 2011

Got gas? What if you jump into your house smell

!±8± Got gas? What if you jump into your house smell

If you smell gas in your home ... So just maybe have a problem. You probably have a gas leak. I am not referring here to the petrol, but I recommend (well planted with my tongue in cheek), if you smell gas in your living room, then you might consider parking the car outside or in garages. But seriously, the smell of gas in your home is no laughing matter.

Gas used as fuel, to operate many different systems in modern homes. Gasis mostly from systems that used the house as heat furnaces and boilers. Gas water heaters are very common. Can be used as fuel for cooking ranges, or as with cooktops are used to provide heat or fireplaces for decorative and other purposes, such as dryer. It 'still a fuel and is readily available in some form in most places. Two types of gas are common to residential ... Natural gas and propane gas (LPG). Each has its ownProperties and each is unique in many ways. Let us examine the two different types of gas.

Natural gas is a carbon-based fossil fuels, which is piped directly into the rule in a house from a public network operator. And 'lighter than air, that if he loses, it becomes easy to mix in air transport.

LPG is also a carbon-based fossil fuels. He has more energy available per unit of gas is not easy to switch to a position in the liquid state. LPGsevere is 1.5 times heavier than air ... which means that if you lose, falls to the ground or grade level and in low areas (more on that later) to collect.

It is interesting to note that they are virtually odorless in its natural state (condition), both natural gas and LPG. For people will be able to easily detect a gas leak (with their nose), products of the two processors, a chemical called methyl mercaptan added to the mixture of gases. Methyl mercaptan wasdescribe how something smells like rotten cabbage or rotten eggs. Listen ... This is important! If you smell of rotten cabbage, and you're confident enough not to lie around rotting cabbage, you should smell an immediate alarm will be activated to create in your head. If you suspect a gas leak in the house, there are some things you need to ... and fast. There are also a couple of things to do.

What does not:

• Panic ... You are the well-beingdepends on you to keep your mind clear and systematic do what you must do so in a timely manner. If I show as soon as you smell gas, do not think clearly

• Light a match or lighter ... This may seem like a breeze, but, well, it happened and the results were not pretty

• Do not use any electrical equipment to include light switches, appliances and even your hard-wired telephone ... potential for electric shock shouldcompletely avoided

• Do not connect or disconnect cables from the electrical outlet ... could also be a spark

Things to Do

• If the odor is strong, round, all the creatures who love each other ... Spouses, children, grandparents, Fido, cats, birds, etc. (the fish will probably be fine, provided that no explosion ... in this case the fish are probably not the main concern in any case) ... and leave the house immediately

• If the smell is not very strong,then you might consider opening a window or two on the way to the door to get fresh air to dilute the concentration of gas in

• If you are technically inclined at all, and know where and how to do ... and you should know ... then turn off the gas supply to the main valve. The main gas valve is usually located at the gas meter in the case of natural gas in the tank or in the case of LPG

• Call from your cell phone or a neighbor, you select the gasCompany or gas supplier. Especially in the case of natural gas, the power company often has a 24 hours emergency number is called and how many suppliers of LP gas as an emergency number. It is recommended that this issue be kept in a readily available and accessible.

I said that LPG is heavier than air? And that has collected in low areas or indoors? I think the weight it deserves just a little 'more. Due to the fact that the LPGas will collect in low areas, it is essential that you are specifically aware of this fact. For example, if the house has a cellar, and there are gas leaks in this area, the gas can was in the swamp or other low areas, where ventilation is not easily reached, and there is usually some type of equipment electrical accumulate in the basement. We have already established that gas and electric sparks is not a good combination. No need to fear ... Just be aware. There is a reason, avery good reason why an LPG tank can not be stored in the hull of a boat ... is because the hull of a boat could fill with gas and lit one of those situations where the result is not only being beautiful. In addition, it is good to ... be educated ... be aware ... be aware of.

As Inspector Raleigh home, and during the performance of each inspection, Raleigh House (of the houses, which are served by gas, of course) our customers often told that they are afraid of gas;I can not say how often this fear shared with me. My answer is always that there is no reason to fear gas. However ... Gas should be noted, yes. Gas demands your respect. You should only fear, though, if they are under educated and under-prepared. As far as gas is concerned, necessarily also respect some basic principles concerning the general safety.

First, be polite. It 'important to properly maintain all gasesDevices ... market the device has been designed, tested and approved for this fuel. If the equipment is well maintained by professionals according to the manufacturer's recommendations, there should be a safe and efficient in relation to fuel issues.

Secondly, be prepared. E 'of the utmost importance that you have the potential security problems of complex systems and equipment are brought into your home ... makes the common goodSense, is not it? Just as it is useful to have a formal safety / evacuation plan has taken place in case of fire, it was also necessary to develop a plan for what you do when you smell gas in the home run, and be prepared this plan at any time. It is recommended that all inmates to participate in a practice drill of the house to ensure that the plan is effective if put into practice. It is said that practice makes perfect ... and you know it works. You want your plan to close a perfectrun as possible, and this means they need trained and experienced.

Finally ... You should know how you would detect a gas leak and you will know what you smell gas in your home.You should know all the gas appliances in the home, respectful of the fuel, without fear, and have a formal and easily executable plan if the built-in olfactory cells, gas detection and alarm system (which is more or lessprominent ledge in front of the face) ever to recognize the smell of gas in your home. They feel confident and secure that for you, that disaster could be prepared. Your life ... and safety of your loved ones ... could depend on it!

Got gas? What if you jump into your house smell

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