Sunday, September 4, 2011

Natural Health - Cooling your body and natural home

!±8± Natural Health - Cooling your body and natural home

Now is the time when the air conditioning kicked on the body fit and thermostats, and we have the "side effects" of these circumstances, how ...

- Mold spores are flying around when the first a / c the season starts

- The electricity bills

- Download tons of carbon dioxide in the environment

- Your body is working hard to adjust the temperature

- Try to decide how it comes to heat ~ ("good to sweat" feel ", I want to kill you", "TheI wonder why no sweat ")

Here are some suggestions for cheap and effective natural cooling, that side effects are treated and keeps us green!:

- Using a pressure cooker cook (of course I would never have said, a microwave, but this is cool)

-I have my old pressure cooker (since I cooked macrobiotic years) and started using it.
I am, as a surprise fast moist and delicious food is cooked in this way!

- Line dry clothes
Major advantages of the natural productPlasticizers - air

- Allow to air pot
-I 'm going to follow my own advice here and probably take one of those wooden dish rack drying at IKEA - I noticed my dishwasher throws so much heat!

- Use washing machine and dryer for the day or late night

- Use ceiling fans
-You use less than 1:10, the power of air conditioners

- Use ceiling fans in combination with air-conditioning

- Use fans on the roof
These are so-cheap $ 10
Hereis how to install ~

- Ventilate with a fan window
To cool a good old fashion at low cost via

More for the environment ...

(I like cleaning mixed with orange or lemon), which reduce the mold spores that can circulate - - diffuse essential oils into the house when the air conditioner is first

And for our bodies ...

- Stay well hydrated - with water

- Wear light cottonClothing

- Eat light

- Prepare, hormone levels, excessive sweating can, when the hormones are in balance

(EndoFlex essential oil is ideal for balancing the endocrine system)

- Put a small amount of peppermint behind the neck for a cooling effect

(If the area of ​​the neck is on the application of peppermint oil on hot sweaty skin
You-Put a little 'of olive oil on it, or simply a base massage oil to take the heat, do not use water)

Natural Health - Cooling your body and natural home

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