Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Clothes Washer Repair and Cleaning

!±8± Clothes Washer Repair and Cleaning

Clothes washers, or washing machines, can get your clothes clean and ready to wear in no time. But what happens when you use a dirty clothes washer to wash some dirty clothes? It doesn't take a genius to notice the absurdity of the question, and yet people fail or just neglect to get their clothes washers cleaned up time and time again.

Clothes Washer Repair and Cleaning Tips

Here are some cleaning and maintenance tips for your clothes washers:

* The first thing to do is check if grime and dirt have started to build up along the interior walls. If so, then it's time for some clothes washer cleaning.

* Pour in hot water along with two cups of lemon juice and vinegar to loosen up some of the things that get stuck on the surface (ex. dirt, grime, dried up soap). Remove the textile softener receptacle, and soak it in a mixture of hot water and detergent.

* Next comes the bleach dispenser. Spray some cleaner on it, then scrub with some Q-tips and paper towels.

* Don't forget to check the hoses for leaks while you're at it. It's natural for the hoses that came with the clothes washer to wear out and develop a leak over time. It's a good idea to buy a replacement hose in advance.

Your clothes dryer now looks ten times better and is all set to do some cleaning of its own.

It isn't a matter of whether or not you should clean your clothe washers, but when it has to be cleaned and maintained. It depends on how many clothes are washed in it each week. There's no formula for this; you've got to figure it out for yourself. If the interior compartment looks like it needs cleaning, then clean it before you use it again.

Clothes Washer Repair and Cleaning

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Friday, November 25, 2011

Energy Efficient Homes and Energy Monitoring

!±8± Energy Efficient Homes and Energy Monitoring

Short Term Energy Monitoring to Define Energy Efficient Homes

Power Bill

One of the first things I do, after introducing myself at a home energy audit, is ask if I can see current electric and gas bills. I feel like I'm being rude, that I'm asking for personal information. A number of clients, by the way they respond, think I'm being rude too. When your looking for energy efficient homes, sometimes a little rude is OK.

It's an uncomfortable moment, like asking a women their dress size. I think 99% of the time, a women is going to be embarrassed by providing their dress size, as they believe whatever size they wear is too big. They might look like a fence post, but they would feel their dress size is too big.

Same is true of an electric bill.

Somehow the word got out that people should be ashamed if their electric bill is too fat. Shame on you if your home is not one of the energy efficient homes. A fat electric bill brings out an interesting response from homeowners, they are likely to explain by saying something that sounds like their trying to loose weight. "I'm sorry, we've been trying to cut down."

I'm not trying to investigate the reason why Lake Mead is turning into a puddle or why Washington DC may have to shave in the dark, I'm only trying to get a look at one of the few documents that can give some insight into home energy saving potential.

Duct Blaster Test

We have a hundred ways to determine if the body is fat - if one body is fatter than another - or if a body is likely to get fat in the near future. Everything from a talking weight scale on the bathroom floor to the number of calories in a peanut bar cookie can point the way to success. Just look at the number of pills down at the drug store that promise to take off a few pounds and keep them off.

At anytime, a person can climb up on the old scales and see exactly how their doing. Kick off the shoes and ditch the winter coat as you step upon the scales, you're about get a pretty good idea how your special order, energy efficient, weight loss breakfast bars are helping out.

When it comes to energy efficient homes and trying to determine how energy efficient measures, upgrades, retrofits, and behavior changes are effecting energy gain and loss, the electric and gas bill is about all we have to weight long term success.

Utility bills have their limitations as analytical tools for both homeowners and energy auditors, because they are sensitive to changes in occupant behavior and to climate conditions that can cloud the effect of an energy retrofit. After a retrofit has been completed, it takes months for energy bills to accumulate, and so it maybe a year before the household knows if the retrofit had any true energy saving benefit.

Short Term Energy Monitoring

Short term energy monitoring can give both the homeowner and the auditor much quicker information to evaluate the promising energy efficient homes. Most fuel driven appliances, meaning electric, natural gas, propane, oil and diesel, use energy at a constant measurable rate. We can use this measurable rate to calculate short term energy retrofit benefits.

Kilowatt Monitor

If you know how long a device operates and you know it's power rating, you can calculate it's energy consumption over time.

Example #1

1. A 100 watt light bulb 2. Burning for 10 hours 3. Uses 1,000 watt-hours 4. Or one kilowatt hour of electricity.

Example #2

1. A 100,000 Btu per hour Furnace 2. Operating for 10 hours 3. Uses one million Btu's

Two activities are necessary to successful short term energy monitoring.

1. Measuring Power

2. Measuring Operating time.

You can buy a recording watt meter, which will measure both time and power, and connect to electric circuits around the home. The kill-a-watt meter will measure energy use over time for appliances like refrigerators and window mount air conditioners. Heavier meters will measure clothes dryers and water heaters.

Measuring the power of a gas furnace involves a stop watch and the ability to count the revolutions of the dials on the gas meter. By counting the dial revolutions you can learn the number of cubic feet per minute the furnace or other gas appliance uses. Then take the number of cubic feet and multiply the cubic feet by the number of Btu's in a cubic foot. Gas differs slightly, so you will need to ask your gas company for Btu's in a cubic foot.

By using both long term energy efficiency indicators like a power bill and using short term energy use indicators like kilowatt meters and short term energy monitoring calculations, you and the auditor can get a pretty good idea if your home is one of the energy efficient homes or if your home needs to loose a few therms.

If your lucky enough to have a certified Home Energy Auditor come to your home, don't be ashamed if your power bill looks like it could use a few diet pills. Have the bill ready and present it to the auditor so you both can learn a few things about your homes long term energy use.

Thank you for stopping by, hope to see you again real soon, but I won't leave the light on for you...

Energy Efficient Homes and Energy Monitoring

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Energy Related Terms Explained

!±8± Energy Related Terms Explained

Here are some terms you can do while the search for energy-related products, heating and efficiency:

AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency): yield, efficiency of combustion gas and other fossil fuel-powered devices, their primary source of energy action on a whole heating season. It makes no account of the efficiency with which each system component, such as a furnace fan motor, uses electricity. AFUE is expressed as a percentage of thatindicates the average number of Btu's comfort warming by each Btu worth of fuel consumed by the system provided. For example, a gas oven with an AFUE of 80% would provide 0.8 Btu of heat for every Btu of natural gas burned.

Air infiltration: the introduction, usually unintentional, of unconditioned outdoor air in a heated building mechanical and / or cooled. Air infiltration can occur through an opening in the seat of the structure, including seams where walls meet otherWalls, windows or door frames, or chimneys, holes where wires or pipes penetrate walls, floors or ceilings / roofs, and wide track meet between the double-hung window or a door bottom and threshold of the door. And 'one of the main causes of unwanted heat gain and loss, and personal discomfort in buildings.

Alternating current (AC) - An electric current that reverses its direction at regular intervals or cycles; the United States is the standard resolution is 120 or 60 cycles per second;usually abbreviated to AC

Amp - short for "ampere" - this measures the amount of electricity moving through a wire. Most household appliances use 15 or 20 amps of current. Power amplifiers are what his "shock".

Biomass Fuel: Any organic (plant or animal) material that is available on renewable basis, including agricultural crops and agricultural wastes and residues, wood waste and residues, animal wastes, municipal wastes, and aquatic plants

BTU (Britishthermal unit): a measure of the energy into heat. It takes one BTU to heat one pound of water 1 degree Fahrenheit heat. Btu can be used for both cooling capacity of an air conditioner to define (ie, the number of BTUs of heat that can be removed from the system) or an oven, the heat output (ie the number of BTUs of heat that can be delivered by the system).

Energy stored in a substance and released during a chemical reaction, such as wood, coal or - the chemical energyOil.

Combustion - Chemical oxidation with the production of light and heat together.

Conduction is the transfer of heat through solid objects such as glass, plasterboard, bricks and other building materials. The greater the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, heat conduction occurs more quickly, increasing the demand for energy of a gain or loss.

Convection is the transfer of heat from a solid surface or on a flow of gases or liquids. Where home heat loss and gain arecontribute to thermal convection with air (gas) currents that heat from the body, furniture, interior walls and windows of other hot objects, floors, ceilings, exterior walls and other surfaces to cool causes.

Conversion-A number of units of a measurement system will lead to corresponding values ​​of another measurement system.

Cord of firewood, a closely overlapping pile of logs measuring 4 'x 4' x 8 '(128 cubic feet).

Daylight Systems is the technology of using naturalTo supplement the light from windows, skylights and other openings of a building or replace artificial lighting. If used correctly, can reduce the use of the cost of daylight. When applied incorrectly, may not only lead to poor light conditions, but can also lead to increased building cooling costs with the introduction of high solar heat into the interior of the building. See also solar gain to see how sunlight can affect heating costs.

Current - An electrical currentflows in one direction through a circuit, such as a battery.
Efficiency is the degree to which a certain action or level of work can be effectively implemented for the least expenditure of energy or fuel. BTU of energy consumed (input) x efficiency = BTU output.

Energy: The ability to move the work or the capacity to oppose. Electrical energy is usually measured
Kilowatt hours (kWh), while thermal energy is generally in British thermal units (BTU) is measured.

EnergyEfficiency - This refers to activities aimed at reducing the energy used for targeted replacement technologically advanced equipment, usually without affecting the services provided. Examples include high-efficiency appliances, efficient lighting programs, high-efficiency heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC), or changes of control, building design, advanced electric motor drives, and heat recovery systems.

A discharge of emissions or something that is made;usually used in relation to emissions into the air. Or, no gas in the atmosphere from some type of human activities (cooking, driving, etc..) In the context of global climate change, they consist of greenhouse gases (eg release of carbon dioxide from burning fuel).

Heat Content - The gross heat content is the number of British thermal units (BTU) generated by combustion, the volume of gas determined by the air at the same temperature and pressure as, If the products of combustion gases are cooled to the initial temperature of the gas and air when the water condenses and is produced by burning liquid.

It uses or any combination of energy for the time equivalent to the consumption of energy, used as a watt for 1000 hours, 10 watts for 100 hours, or multiplied 5-10 watts used for one kilowatt hour (kWh) watts are used for 20 hours. For example, leaving a 100-watt bulb for five hours a day wouldconsume one kWh every two days. Kilowatt hour is the primary measure of U.S. energy companies based billing most customers.

Load number of studies conducted to estimate the heating o. To determine the cooling requirements of your home. The analysis of the load energy use information such as determining the square footage of your house, windows and door areas, insulation quality and the local climate, heating and cooling efficiency of the furnace, heat pump or air usedAir conditioning.

Mercaptan - an organic chemical compound containing a sulfur smell that is added to natural gas before distribution to the consumer to him (smells like rotten eggs), a distinct, unpleasant smells. This serves as a safety device, allowing you to be detected in the atmosphere, where losses occur.

Methane-A colorless, flammable, odorless hydrocarbon gas (CH4), which is the main component of natural gas. There is also an important source of hydrogen in variousindustrial processes. Methane is a greenhouse gas.

The operating cost is the daily expenses of operating a unit, based on energy consumption.

Recovery time is the time necessary to achieve a full return of an investment. For example, if a fireplace high efficiency direct gas will cost $ 1,000 more than a purely decorative fireplace, but would save $ 500 per year of gas, the payback period is 2 years.

Propane (C3H8) - A normally gaseous straight-chain hydrocarbons. It isa colorless paraffinic gas that boils at a temperature of -43.67 degrees Fahrenheit. It is extracted from natural gas or refinery gas streams.

Radiation is a method of heat transfer in which heat is transmitted from surface to surface via infrared waves. Radiant heat warms the surfaces it touches without increasing the temperature of the air through which it travels. All warm bodies radiate infrared energy.

R-value is a measurement of a material's ability to resist heat transfer. Insulation products are rated according to the R-value. The higher its R-value, the greater the product's ability to resist heat flow will be.

Solar Gain is the heat that builds up inside a structure as a result of sunlight that enters through transparent or translucent surfaces, such as windows, and is converted to heat after striking other surfaces inside the building.

Space Heating - The use of energy to generate heat for warmth in housing units using space-heating equipment. The equipment could be either the primary or secondary source of heating.

Thermal Energy - The total potential and kinetic energy associated with the random motions of the molecules of a material.

Thermostat - A device that adjusts the amount of heating and cooling produced and/or distributed by automatically responding to the temperature in the environment.
Watt: a unit of electric power. The amount of power required by electric appliances is expressed in watts. Watt-hour is a unit of electric energy, equal to one watt used over a period of one hour.

Volt (V) - The volt is the International System of Units (SI) measure of electric potential or electromotive force. A potential of one volt appears across a resistance of one ohm when a current of one ampere flows through that resistance. Reduced to SI base units, 1 V = 1 kg times m2 times s-3 times A-1 (kilogram meter squared per second cubed per ampere).

Voltage - The difference in electrical potential between any two conductors or between a conductor and ground. It is a measure of the electric energy per electron that electrons can acquire and/or give up as they move between the two conductors. This is how electricity gets from the power plant to your house: high-voltage transmission lines carry the electricity under greater pressure to carry it long distances, while lower-voltage power lines serve individual homes and businesses.

*Article contributed by Karen Duke, Victorian Fireplace Shop

Energy Related Terms Explained

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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Selecting a startup standby generator - A How-To Guide

!±8± Selecting a startup standby generator - A How-To Guide

To select a standby generator at home

Blizzards, ice storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, a distracted driver hit a utility pole - there is no end to natural and manmade disasters that can stop the power of your home. In the past, people would light a few candles, turn on the gas stove, and takes off. But now, with most of the houses is nearly 100% electric power to lose more than an inconvenience, it can be life threatening.

Fortunately, standby power generators,be used only once by large companies and factories are the financial reach of all homeowners. They are safe, quiet and efficient. In fact, the only question: Which source is right for you?

What is watt?

The generators are sold by wattage. If you were not at school that day, you might not know that the service is a type of electric power equivalent. Remember Ohm's Law? Do not worry, I did not. In any case, Watts = volts x amps = amperesWatts / volts. While the theoretical knowledge is a wonderful thing, here are some practical information to help you search in the choice of the generator is waiting for the right home.

Power calculations

Most every electrical device has a day somewhere that will tell you, at least two of the numbers that you need to calculate the correct size for the emergency generator. If you have voltage and current, we can calculate Ohm's law on the power.

Of course, if you have a list of watts,Everything is ready - or almost. Electric motors consume up to four times as much power to start, as they ran. It has something to do with the inertia and friction, but I was also absent on that day. So, a good rule, the performance of the brand (or computing power), multiply by 4, if you have an electrical device that transforms an engine has to do.

When it comes to calculating the power required to run electrical lighting comes from, you could have beenNot at school throughout the year and still have this right. And 'right there, printed on the bulb. That is, if you want to power a 60 watt light bulb, then you consume ... Yes, 60 watts of power.

The following table lists the average power for the average family. Use this only as a guide, as you can in your equipment very un-average.

Typical Household Appliance Supply

(For multi-watts x 4Start with appliences engine)

Coffee Maker 1750 Dishwasher 0 (no heat) 700 (2800) Electric skillet 1400 1300 8-inch oven element 2100 625 watts microwave Refrigerator or freezer, 700 (2800) Clothes Washer 1150 (4600) Electric Dryer 5750 (23.000) Oven (gas or fuel oil) 08.01 Power 300 (1200)
1 / 6 HP 500 (2000)
1 / 4 HP 600 (2400)
1 / 3 HP 700 (2800)
1 / 2 HP 875 (3500) Lights as printedlamp Radio 50-20 0 TV 300 10,000 BTU Central Air Conditioner 1500

If you want power then everything in the light of the sun which, at first glance, the schedule, you might think you're going to need a 30,000-watt generator. Maybe buy a small nuclear reactor would make more sense. But wait! Look what happens if you get a little 'handling logic of power to apply the formula.

Power Management 101

The first thing to remember is that the maximum power for allmotor is used only when the engine starts first time. Shortly after, the power part of normal operation. So you need a generator sufficient to select the unit with the highest score out of the starting handle. Then just make sure that no two devices can be started at the same time and you can drastically reduce the calculation.

The second thing to remember is that the sum of the column output current, only a problem if you want to run each device,all at the same time, and all day and night. So you see, by simply mapping an appropriate management plan to return power to the size of the demand for electricity may be cut. For most people, a 2500 watt generator will do it.

Fuel Requirements

Even if they are diesel generators are typically used in commercial and industrial environments. For our homeowners, there is a choice between gas and liquid propane gas (LPG). The rule of thumb, the models run on LPGquieter than gasoline models. Consumption varies depending on the power of the generator engine. A model with 8 HP is about 10 hours + running - at full load, while an equivalent model LPG runs 1 hour for every 5 pounds of burning fuel.

Start your engines

There are three basic types of fire, a generator. Some models are equipped with a pull starter, like a lawnmower, the starter, while others have a (battery) electric starter button and the other is equipped with an automaticStart switch, the switch as well, which must be connected directly to existing electrical system home.

If you often lose power, or is there a device in your home, must remain powered on at any time for reasons of health or safety, then switch with a standby generator is virtually certain, even if they are not at home when you lights have the error occurs.

In brief

Now that you have the basic facts, go ahead and make your performanceThe consumption of paper. So to develop your own program management, to decide whether you need a transfer switch or not to buy, and go for peace of mind that an emergency generator in times of need to bring.

Selecting a startup standby generator - A How-To Guide

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Chemistry - alkenes to alkanes

!±8± Chemistry - alkenes to alkanes

Simple organic compounds containing carbon, hydrocarbons with functional groups

Carbon (C), in most inorganic and organic. Carbon is fairly inert, but at high temperatures to form compounds with metals, hydrogen, oxygen and various. Carbon is the only element with the ability to chain and cyclic compounds of carbon atoms, forming the line-up next to each other in various lengths. This makes the carbon-based organic chemistry. With carbonmore than 10 million known organisms survive, even thrive, on this earth. In addition, there are about 200,000 known inorganic compounds that contain carbon.

Carbon is an important rock minerals to form carbonates. Since carbon dioxide (CO2), can be dissolved in water and is also found in the atmosphere. This is an important component of all plants and animals, all living organisms. Those organisms that have died in the early history of our planet have helped create a hugeSupply of coal and carbon-based fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas.

Organic material containing carbon, its atoms are simple, single bonds (saturated compounds) or in double and triple bonds connected (unsaturated compounds). Carbon chains are the result. The sites that are not used for the carbon-carbon bond, for bonds with hydrogen (hydrocarbons), or used with other elements.

Depending on the nature of the carbon chain is present, we candistinguish between compounds with open chains (linear or branched - aliphatic or acyclic) and cyclic compounds. Aliphatic compounds are classified in the ranks of branched carbon-containing compounds. Cyclic carbon-containing compounds are distinguished by their carbon atoms arranged in a circle by a closed circuit. Of these, the most important aroma compounds of carbon, from the founding member of the aromatics, benzene (C6H6). In it, the carbon atoms form aCircuit along with the individual bonds with each show, both single and double bond character, a sort of hybrid between the two. Some of the most important organic compounds are fats, proteins and hydrocarbons.


Hydrocarbons are composed exclusively of carbon and hydrogen. They are the simplest of all organic compounds. There are three types of homologous families of hydrocarbons: alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. Alkanes contain only single bonds betweenCarbon atoms. Alkenes contain at least one double bond. Alkynes contain at least one triple bond. Most of these types of hydrocarbons may exist with the same chemical formula in another form or chemical structure. If a compound has the same chemical formula, but it has two possible structures, these structures are called isomers.

Hydrocarbon molecules may also contain what are called functional groups. These are groups that at least one carbon atom that contain hydrogen or not.These functional groups can influence the chemical behavior of the molecule that contains, in particular by the chemical molecules. An example is ethanol - CH3CH2OH. Here is the functional group-OH, with the determination of oxygen.


Stereochemistry is simply the three-dimensional arrangement of a molecule. Organic molecules have the same chemical formula can be organized in a different way their atoms in space. If they do, often have significantlydifferent chemical properties.

Isomers, these types of compounds that have the same chemical formula but different atomic arrangements in the room. Isomers can be classified as structural isomers and stereoisomers.

Stereoisometric molecules change their atomic arrangement as a result of changes in pressure or temperature. All types of loans and bonds (single, double, triple) are likewise preserved the original, however.

Structural isomers have atoms that change theirLocation in a molecule. An example is a linear combination (in which all the carbon atoms fed in a linear fashion), compared to the same chemical formula associated with a linear structure and shorter branches (chain isomerism). Functional groups may change their position (functional isomerism), or differ from each other isomer in the position of a double or triple bond (bond isomerism).

The number of carbon atoms is determined by a hydrocarbon, which can take many forms, including wireless. TheNumber of possible isomers increases in a compound, the number of carbon atoms that contains increases.

Alkanes, alkenes, alkynes

Hydrocarbons are composed entirely of hydrogen and oxygen. There are three types of homogeneous hydrocarbons (whose members differ by one CH2): alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. The difference between these three groups is the link between the types of carbon. Alkanes only form single bonds, double bonds are alkenes and alkynes there at least one triple bondBond.

The simplest alkane is methane. It 'consists of a carbon atom that is bonded to four hydrogen atoms. When a CH 2 group is added, the mixture second alkane is formed. The naming of alkanes, like all other hydrocarbons is based on the rules of the IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). Alcano all the names end with-ane (alkane). Before this term is a prefix that the amount of carbon atoms, corresponding to describe either a greek or latinNumber. The first four alkanes are named after the historic conference.

Methane: CH4, ethane C2H6, C3H8 propane, butane, C4H10, C5H12 pentane. The formula of alkanes can be calculated using the simple formula CnH2n +2. The number of carbon atoms is the decisive factor, which is what alkane. Alkanes, no matter how many carbon atoms they contain all share some common characteristics. For example, it is typical for all alkanes, which are not very reactive,Burn well, and react in a similar manner with the halogens in the photochemical reactions of substitution (exchange reactions). With increasing size of the molecule in the family alkane, alkanes differ from each other in a fundamental way. The first four alkanes are gaseous state of matter. Alkanes with 5-16 carbon atoms and are liquid alkanes with 17 or more carbon atoms are solid. Boiling and melting point increase with increasing atomic number.

Branched alkanes arefirst by the amount of carbon atoms contain called in a row. If a radical is contained in an alkaline compound, the end-ane is replaced by-a. The branch must be identified in any way, so that its position to determine exactly the main carbon chain. For this reason, the carbon atoms are, from left to right from the lowest number the largest number such that the branch is arbitrarily assigned the lowest number possible. The main chain is the longest in the molecule. Ifdifferent chains of the molecule, they are assigned to the letters of the alphabet.

Properties and reactivity

The bond between carbon and hydrogen in an alkane molecule is a weak polar atomic bonds. For this reason, the individual atoms of alkanes contribute only a very weak partial loads. These partial charges cancel each other out over the molecule, since it is completely symmetrical. The result is a molecule that is non-polar products. This does not mean not one molecule of an alkaneelectrostatically with other atoms like their weak van der Waals forces are intermolecular non-Poplar found between molecules, so that they attract and repel one another so weak. The size of these forces is increasing to an increase in molecular size. According to this idea of ​​modifying the properties of straight chain alkanes with the growing size of the carbon chain.

In temperature, the first four alkanes in gaseous state of matter are located. Pentane is thefirst liquid alkanes. Increase in hexane (16), compounds are always more viscous alkanes (paraffin oil), because the viscosity increases the strength of van der Waals forces. Of heptadecane (17), the solid alkanes (paraffins) are. Their melting and boiling point increase in the number of carbon atoms in their chains.

Alkanes burn easily. When burned, the products are carbon dioxide and water. Chain alkanes with increasing size, given the same amountOxygen to burn less easily, so that carbon soot (elemental carbon) with increasing size of the chain length is formed. In alkane molecules, all bonds are saturated. For this reason, alkanes are not very reactive. They tend to form compounds with halogens.

The van der Waals forces

Because the molecules carry a partial charge, there are strengths and attractions between adjacent molecules. These forces between molecules are very small, but large enough to contain the moleculetogether. The longer the carbon chain of a molecule is to take over the atoms of these respective forces, the greater the appeal arising therefrom. If the internal forces are small in small alkanes, they may not be strong enough to hold together the molecules at room temperature. With increasing size of the carbon chain, but these are increasing intramolecular forces. For the chain length of 17 carbon atoms, the van der Waals forces are so strong that instead of individual molecules together insolid state of matter.


Alkenes (olefins) are unsaturated compounds of carbon with hydrogen, which contain one or two double bonds between carbon atoms. They burn soot and carbon dioxide to form carbon dioxide and water. They are more reactive than alkanes due to the fact that they contain double bonds.

Multiple bonds (double, triple bonds) are energetically less favorable for the atoms that the corresponding single bonds. For this reason, the atoms in a compoundtrying to break more bonds to single bonds, which are cheaper to make energy. This explains why the compounds, the double and triple bonds contain much more reactive than single bonds are included. The alkenes are ethene: propene C2H4: C3H6, C4H8 butene and pentene: C5H10. Up to butene, the alkenes occur in the form of gas. Up to hexadecene (C16H32) are found more liquid alkenes solid state of matter. Their general chemical formulaCnH2n.


Alkynes (acetylenes) are unsaturated hydrocarbons that contain one or more triple bonds necyclical between carbon atoms. When burned, tend to form carbon soot. It is the presence of oxygen during combustion, high temperatures, can be reached. The general formula for alkynes CnH2a-2. These include acetylene: C2H2, propyne: Butin, and C3H4: C4H6.

Alkenes and alkynes, unsaturated hydrocarbons

The carbon atoms of hydrocarbons can be arranged in a circle.These cyclic hydrocarbons with single bonds are called cycloalkanes. Benzene and its derivatives are known as aromatic hydrocarbons. They contain double bonds. Benzene (benzene initially) was discovered in 1825 by M. Faraday. The name was coined by J. benzene von Liebig. Since benzene is not the alcohol, we call it benzene, benzene does not. Benzene is a colorless liquid, refraction of light and has an aromatic odor. This characteristic odor was the reason why benzene is a Grouparomatic compounds. Benzene is less dense than water and not mix with water. On the other hand, mix with or dissolve in nonpolar solvents. Benzene can also dissolve fats, resins and rubber. Its boiling point 80.1 ° C lower than that of water. At 5-6 ° C, benzene freezes and begins to crystallize. If it is burned, carbon soot, benzene releases. In its pure form, benzene dangerous for human health. When people are exposed to benzene for a long periodTime, their liver, kidneys and bone marrow. Benzene is a carcinogen, but it is a useful material for the chemical reagents in the synthesis of a series of organic compounds.

Cyclic hydrocarbons

Cyclic hydrocarbons can be differentiated from aliphatic hydrocarbons. The cycloalkanes, which are composed of several CH 2 groups and double bonds, form a homologous group of compounds. The first member is cyclopentane. The same as the next memberCyclohexane, is very unstable. Why are saturated cycloalkanes compounds, such as linear alkanes are not very reactive. They also share a set of properties. The aromatic hydrocarbons benzene. The members of the group have six valence electrons, which are distributed in a circle, in the form of a cloud charge. Due to the presence of valence electrons, we can predict that the reactivity of these aromatic compounds are similar to other unsaturated hydrocarbons.This time, however, our prediction is wrong: benzene is much less reactive than other unsaturated hydrocarbons. Only at high temperatures and benzene in the presence of a catalyst to take another atom of hydrogen. If this happens, the resulting product is cyclohexane.

The molecular structure of benzene and cyclohexane

Benzene (benzene), which was already discovered in 1825, has been described by FA Kekule von Stradonitz for the first time in 1865. After the description of Kekule,Benzene is a compound with six carbon atoms move. Benzene ring containing three double bonds alternating with three single bonds. Kekule believed that these double bonds are fixed in one place in the molecule. He thought that there are two isomers of benzene, which side by side.

Modern models of structure of benzene each carbon atom to it an unpaired electron, a free electron. These unpaired electrons are shared in the circleForms a cloud charge. Do not have a specific position in the formation of double bonds. This arrangement of electrons is odd mezomeric. And 'why benzene is not as responsive as you might expect, compared to other compounds that contain double bonds.

Cyclohexane is a cyclic hydrocarbon family-related connections between the individual carbon atoms. It consists of six carbon atoms, each consisting of two hydrogen atoms connected to it.

Noble gases,Halogenated alkanes

The noble gases are in Group VIII of the main elements of the group, found in groups. They have a full outer electron shells and are therefore almost non-responsive. The lighter noble gases are the links to all, and only a handful of the most severe form that formed in place, and exist only under certain conditions. The elements of the group of noble gases are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) and radon (Ra). All over the nextGaseous phase of matter. And 'possible to produce them by the distillation of liquid air (at a temperature of about -200 ° C).

The noble gases are not flammable. Balloons and other balloon is used because it is lighter than air. Radon is a product of the reaction of cleavage of the radio radioactive element. The other noble gases are used in many types of lighting, because they do not respond (light bulbs, fluorescent tubes).

Halogens are inseventh main group elements. They have seven electrons in their outermost electron shell. May react with other elements and covalent bonds as well as the ability to react to form ionic bonds. They occur in nature in compounds. Small halogen, which are at the top of the periodic table, more reactive halogens in the bottom of the table, so that the smaller halogen can take the place of greatest compounds to replace it or replace it. All the halogensare poisonous. Fluorine (F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I) and astatine (At): the halogens. Fluorine and chlorine are gases at room temperature. Fluorine attacks and corrodes most other materials, like glass. Chlorine is very toxic. Halogens are either liquids or solids at room temperature, because of their size, where halogens are the largest solid. Gaseous state of the halogens are highly toxic.

Substitution rule

The replacement ofHalogens with alkanes is another way to burn more than you can react. In a substitution reaction, a hydrogen atom, a halogen atom is replaced. This type of reaction is as halogenation. The halogenation of alkanes occurs in the presence of light, making it a photochemical reaction.

Methane (C2H4) reacts with chlorine (which looks like a molecule with two atoms Cl2) to produce in the presence of light to form methyl chloride, CH3Cl and hydrochloric acid (HCl).

ThisConnections based on various criteria can be distinguished from each other:

1 The type of halogen such as fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine.

2 The type of carbon chain: open, closed, aromatic, saturated, unsaturated.

3 The number of atoms in the halogen: mono-, di-and poly-halogenated compounds.

The name of the compound by the number of carbon atoms, and where the replacement occurred halogen for a hydrogen atom. First nameHydrocarbons replaced the names of the halogens are listed in alphabetical order, if possible. Each carbon atom is a number, so that the halogen-substituted at the lowest possible number as allocated space. Then the number of carbon, which moved forward the halogen-prefix is ​​defined. For example:

The carbon chain is always in such a way that the replacement of groups, numbers are assigned lower numbers. However, if there are more substitutions or a larger groupwas replaced with a functional group, ie, has the lowest number possible.

Fluorine is the first of the group halogen, which means it is replaced in the position for all other halogens in a chemical bond. For this reason, the fluorine-containing hydrocarbons is very stable, nonflammable and nontoxic. They are used as an ingredient in a spray or as a coolant in refrigerators, and as a solvent. Their use has become less popular in recent yearsYears because of the damage they do to the atmosphere, the ozone layer.

Chemistry - alkenes to alkanes

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Natural Health - Cooling your body and natural home

!±8± Natural Health - Cooling your body and natural home

Now is the time when the air conditioning kicked on the body fit and thermostats, and we have the "side effects" of these circumstances, how ...

- Mold spores are flying around when the first a / c the season starts

- The electricity bills

- Download tons of carbon dioxide in the environment

- Your body is working hard to adjust the temperature

- Try to decide how it comes to heat ~ ("good to sweat" feel ", I want to kill you", "TheI wonder why no sweat ")

Here are some suggestions for cheap and effective natural cooling, that side effects are treated and keeps us green!:

- Using a pressure cooker cook (of course I would never have said, a microwave, but this is cool)

-I have my old pressure cooker (since I cooked macrobiotic years) and started using it.
I am, as a surprise fast moist and delicious food is cooked in this way!

- Line dry clothes
Major advantages of the natural productPlasticizers - air

- Allow to air pot
-I 'm going to follow my own advice here and probably take one of those wooden dish rack drying at IKEA - I noticed my dishwasher throws so much heat!

- Use washing machine and dryer for the day or late night

- Use ceiling fans
-You use less than 1:10, the power of air conditioners

- Use ceiling fans in combination with air-conditioning

- Use fans on the roof
These are so-cheap $ 10
Hereis how to install ~

- Ventilate with a fan window
To cool a good old fashion at low cost via

More for the environment ...

(I like cleaning mixed with orange or lemon), which reduce the mold spores that can circulate - - diffuse essential oils into the house when the air conditioner is first

And for our bodies ...

- Stay well hydrated - with water

- Wear light cottonClothing

- Eat light

- Prepare, hormone levels, excessive sweating can, when the hormones are in balance

(EndoFlex essential oil is ideal for balancing the endocrine system)

- Put a small amount of peppermint behind the neck for a cooling effect

(If the area of ​​the neck is on the application of peppermint oil on hot sweaty skin
You-Put a little 'of olive oil on it, or simply a base massage oil to take the heat, do not use water)

Natural Health - Cooling your body and natural home

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The energy crisis and the future of Gases Part 3 Video

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Got gas? What if you jump into your house smell

!±8± Got gas? What if you jump into your house smell

If you smell gas in your home ... So just maybe have a problem. You probably have a gas leak. I am not referring here to the petrol, but I recommend (well planted with my tongue in cheek), if you smell gas in your living room, then you might consider parking the car outside or in garages. But seriously, the smell of gas in your home is no laughing matter.

Gas used as fuel, to operate many different systems in modern homes. Gasis mostly from systems that used the house as heat furnaces and boilers. Gas water heaters are very common. Can be used as fuel for cooking ranges, or as with cooktops are used to provide heat or fireplaces for decorative and other purposes, such as dryer. It 'still a fuel and is readily available in some form in most places. Two types of gas are common to residential ... Natural gas and propane gas (LPG). Each has its ownProperties and each is unique in many ways. Let us examine the two different types of gas.

Natural gas is a carbon-based fossil fuels, which is piped directly into the rule in a house from a public network operator. And 'lighter than air, that if he loses, it becomes easy to mix in air transport.

LPG is also a carbon-based fossil fuels. He has more energy available per unit of gas is not easy to switch to a position in the liquid state. LPGsevere is 1.5 times heavier than air ... which means that if you lose, falls to the ground or grade level and in low areas (more on that later) to collect.

It is interesting to note that they are virtually odorless in its natural state (condition), both natural gas and LPG. For people will be able to easily detect a gas leak (with their nose), products of the two processors, a chemical called methyl mercaptan added to the mixture of gases. Methyl mercaptan wasdescribe how something smells like rotten cabbage or rotten eggs. Listen ... This is important! If you smell of rotten cabbage, and you're confident enough not to lie around rotting cabbage, you should smell an immediate alarm will be activated to create in your head. If you suspect a gas leak in the house, there are some things you need to ... and fast. There are also a couple of things to do.

What does not:

• Panic ... You are the well-beingdepends on you to keep your mind clear and systematic do what you must do so in a timely manner. If I show as soon as you smell gas, do not think clearly

• Light a match or lighter ... This may seem like a breeze, but, well, it happened and the results were not pretty

• Do not use any electrical equipment to include light switches, appliances and even your hard-wired telephone ... potential for electric shock shouldcompletely avoided

• Do not connect or disconnect cables from the electrical outlet ... could also be a spark

Things to Do

• If the odor is strong, round, all the creatures who love each other ... Spouses, children, grandparents, Fido, cats, birds, etc. (the fish will probably be fine, provided that no explosion ... in this case the fish are probably not the main concern in any case) ... and leave the house immediately

• If the smell is not very strong,then you might consider opening a window or two on the way to the door to get fresh air to dilute the concentration of gas in

• If you are technically inclined at all, and know where and how to do ... and you should know ... then turn off the gas supply to the main valve. The main gas valve is usually located at the gas meter in the case of natural gas in the tank or in the case of LPG

• Call from your cell phone or a neighbor, you select the gasCompany or gas supplier. Especially in the case of natural gas, the power company often has a 24 hours emergency number is called and how many suppliers of LP gas as an emergency number. It is recommended that this issue be kept in a readily available and accessible.

I said that LPG is heavier than air? And that has collected in low areas or indoors? I think the weight it deserves just a little 'more. Due to the fact that the LPGas will collect in low areas, it is essential that you are specifically aware of this fact. For example, if the house has a cellar, and there are gas leaks in this area, the gas can was in the swamp or other low areas, where ventilation is not easily reached, and there is usually some type of equipment electrical accumulate in the basement. We have already established that gas and electric sparks is not a good combination. No need to fear ... Just be aware. There is a reason, avery good reason why an LPG tank can not be stored in the hull of a boat ... is because the hull of a boat could fill with gas and lit one of those situations where the result is not only being beautiful. In addition, it is good to ... be educated ... be aware ... be aware of.

As Inspector Raleigh home, and during the performance of each inspection, Raleigh House (of the houses, which are served by gas, of course) our customers often told that they are afraid of gas;I can not say how often this fear shared with me. My answer is always that there is no reason to fear gas. However ... Gas should be noted, yes. Gas demands your respect. You should only fear, though, if they are under educated and under-prepared. As far as gas is concerned, necessarily also respect some basic principles concerning the general safety.

First, be polite. It 'important to properly maintain all gasesDevices ... market the device has been designed, tested and approved for this fuel. If the equipment is well maintained by professionals according to the manufacturer's recommendations, there should be a safe and efficient in relation to fuel issues.

Secondly, be prepared. E 'of the utmost importance that you have the potential security problems of complex systems and equipment are brought into your home ... makes the common goodSense, is not it? Just as it is useful to have a formal safety / evacuation plan has taken place in case of fire, it was also necessary to develop a plan for what you do when you smell gas in the home run, and be prepared this plan at any time. It is recommended that all inmates to participate in a practice drill of the house to ensure that the plan is effective if put into practice. It is said that practice makes perfect ... and you know it works. You want your plan to close a perfectrun as possible, and this means they need trained and experienced.

Finally ... You should know how you would detect a gas leak and you will know what you smell gas in your home.You should know all the gas appliances in the home, respectful of the fuel, without fear, and have a formal and easily executable plan if the built-in olfactory cells, gas detection and alarm system (which is more or lessprominent ledge in front of the face) ever to recognize the smell of gas in your home. They feel confident and secure that for you, that disaster could be prepared. Your life ... and safety of your loved ones ... could depend on it!

Got gas? What if you jump into your house smell

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Enceladus: the best hope yet for extraterrestrial life

!±8± Enceladus: the best hope yet for extraterrestrial life

When the Cassini spacecraft (as of October 15, 1997) within 175 km (109 miles) from Enceladus flew in July 2005 assumed everything had to be discarded on the moon of Saturn known. With the unexpected discovery of a huge geyser of water and the strong presence of water vapor in its atmosphere, the satellites are thought to be small and "dead" (ie no geological activity) is the best hope for finding extraterrestrial life has been date. Even if everything isto support the existence of life - water, "an appropriate heat source right chemical nutrients and precise environmental conditions [that] carry out the chemical reactions necessary ..." [1], Dr. Robert Brown, a planetary scientist at the University System of Arizona and a senior scientist working on the Cassini project, said that "a major conference in Vienna, Austria, [that] contains Enceladus ... ingredients for life. "[2]

History andDescription:

Enceladus, August 28, 1789 by German born English astronomer Sir William Herschel (1738-1822), known for his discovery of Uranus discovered known, is the sixth largest moon of Saturn, with an average diameter of 504 km (313 miles) , about seven times smaller than Earth's moon. And 'orbit of Saturn "at a distance 238,000 km (147,886 miles) from the center of the planet and 180,000 kilometers (111,847 miles) from the surface, between the orbits of Mimas and Tethys(Two other moons of Saturn), tidally locked "... keeping one face pointed to Saturn", and excludes any revolution in 32.9 hours [3].

Based on results of Cassini Enceladus is composed of a core with a higher percentage of iron (FE) and silicates (silicon compound (Si) and oxygen (O), one or more metals and possibly hydrogen (H)) that may have experienced more heat of radioactive decay, as the interior of Saturn's icy other mediumMoons. Enceladus has a slight gravitational field, which has a density of 1.61 grams per cubic centimeter.

Although known for almost two centuries, there are Enceladus, "an exterior of only three bodies of the solar system (with Jupiter's moon, Io and Neptune's moon Triton) where active eruptions have been observed" was a grain for the program Voyager. Voyager when I flew 202,000 kilometers (125,517 miles) of Enceladus November 12, 1980, revealed "ahighly reflective surface, with no impact craters revealed [reference] a young surface, "Voyager II, which flew 87,010 kilometers (54,065 miles) of Enceladus, August 26, 1981, a surface that varies is the oldest and some of the -. craters (average region-to-high northern latitudes), while others easily crater (near the equator) and the rest is usually smoother and younger [4].

On February 17, March 9 and July 14, 2005 flyby of Enceladus, Cassini revealed the surface 'much closer. "Smooth Levels dissolved in a relatively crater-free regions with many small ridges and steep slopes filled. ... A number of fractures (may be warm by building pressure on the temperature difference between the surface of the moon and the icy surface and causes the external environment) were in the older, cratered place ... and some other area youths were discovered near the ... ... as [moon] South Pole... [Includes] a fascinating dark spots, 125 and 750 meters (410 and 2461 m) wide, parallel to the fractures are narrow [and is believed to be] filled the collapse was "thick blue ice. Cassini moon again the plain and smooth ( Sarandib Diyar Planitia Planitia s) leading to estimates that this area is between the ages of 170000000-3700000000 years, and the area in front of Saturn, according to the "should-crossing sets are covered in numerous cross-depressions and ridges, "and the geologically active south pole that adds the presence of an active geyser whose glittering waters of Saturn's E ring and revealed a" unique region tectonically-deformed [estimated age from 1 to 10 years out] as far north as latitude 60 degrees south ... covered with tectonic fractures including four corners and these fractures [on both sides by ridges called "tiger stripes", covered with ice, and also limitedRocks between 10 and 100 meters (33 to 328 feet) wide, which] appear to be less than 1000 years. "[5]

The discovery of cryovolcanism ("outbreak of water and / or other liquids or steam-volatile phase, together with fragments of gas based on the solid surface of a planet or moon due to internal heating") [6] at Enceladus' south pole , where a geyser gushing water and other volatile silicate rock place, together with the presence of a volatileAtmosphere (thicker around the south pole), which consists mainly of water vapor (H2O) (91%) with small amounts of molecular nitrogen (N) (4%), carbon dioxide (CO2) (3.2%) and methane (CH4) (1.7%) represents the best hope for life to exist anywhere above or below the surface of the moon, despite an average surface temperature of about -325 degrees Fahrenheit.

Water Enceladus' geysers:

When Cassini flew by Enceladus in November 2005 confirmed the January 16, 2005The discovery of a number of geysers, like jets of water and ice particles (the composition was determined during the July 2005 flyby, Cassini flew directly through if the flag), and that numbers more fractures or openings ("tiger stripes ") in the lunar crust. A spring rose as high as 500 km (311 miles), driven by pressure chambers under the surface, temperature differences, the weaker gravity of the moon - about 12 times weaker than Earth and a halfGravitational force, and to a certain degree of attraction of Saturn.

Based on "the combined analysis of mass spectrometry data of images and magnetosphere," is that Enceladus' sources of water and ice particles are "sub-surface pressure rooms [is less than 100 meters (328 feet) below probably frozen surface of the moon, which consist of pure water near 26 ° -32 ° Fahrenheit first expulsion] heated, similar to geysers onThe earth. "[7] A further confirmation that the water is liquid below the surface has been the analysis of Cassini carried out on the ice for the" tiger stripe "fractures." The ice was amorphous and almost no crater, suggesting that ran recently. "[8]

Moreover, the absence of ammonia (NH3), which can serve as an antifreeze for the water, it is likely that the lunar surface under the water heated by solar tides (frictional heatBending forces or displacement caused by the gravitational pull of Saturn, 2:1 "means motion orbital resonance with Dione," [9] a nearby moon, which means that two orbits of Saturn's Enceladus does for each of Dione, and a lesser extent in the attraction of the Tethys, another cause close to the Moon) and radiogenic (by radioactivity or processing radioactive) sources, as a pole Enceladus' south, the temperature is about -177 degrees Fahrenheit cold -298 °of -325 degrees Fahrenheit for most of the rest of the lunar surface and because the particles of water and ice must "have a certain density ... that implies surprisingly warm temperatures," will be performed in air. [10] The difference is too large to be explained by solar systems in the icy surface of Enceladus' reflects more than 90% of solar energy in space weak again. According to the Moon "has the highest albedo (the ratio of reflected light) of a body inSolar System "with a measure of> 0.9 [11].

According to research presented at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) conference in April 2006, the core Enceladus' of molten rock was as hot as 2,060 degrees Fahrenheit to further strengthen the theory that the moon is geologically active sources powered by tidal and radiogenic.

Lifeforms probably on Enceladus

If life can be found on Enceladus, is probably the form of microbes that may exist to be extremely simplein rough, seemingly inhospitable environments, as long as the chemical nutrients are biomolecules such as amino acids, a source of energy and liquid water is present, its obviously the case when it comes to pressure rooms that provide geothermal heating to the moon.

The case of possible extraterrestrial life:

Ingredients for Life:

Two key ingredients for life are water (H2O) and a source of energy (even if it is found to be unnecessary for somecryophiles chemosynthetic), fuel and support the metabolism of a body. Both are Eceladus. Tanks mountain of liquid water beneath the surface of the moon performed while about 99.9% of the topography is covered with water (H2O) constantly shooting geysers of ice, which will stimulate as particles of ice and snow updates. At the same time, the jets hydrothermal power of geysers of Enceladus' are an ideal habitat for microorganisms in the same way, the deep sea andYellowstone National Park to hydrothermal vents on Earth.

A third component is nitrogen, which is on Enceladus and the atmosphere. "Nitrogen is an essential amino acid (" organic compounds with an amino group (NH2), a carboxyl group (COOH), and each of the various side groups, in particular one of the 20 compounds that have the basic formula NH2CHRCOOH, and that more peptide bonds to form proteins or function as this chemicalMessengers and as intermediates in the metabolism of complex organic molecules in all living cells and viruses found, is composed of purines, pyrimidines, carbohydrates, and phosphoric acid "), commonly called the building blocks of life) and nucleic acids (called". Acids Nucleic form of DNA and RNA control cellular function and heredity ") [12].

A fourth ingredient is the presence of organic compounds, substances composed of carbon (C), the signature element of life. Based onCassini flyby, the existence of simple organic compounds along the "strip tigre" fractures, and the fountains gush of water and ice crystals from the geysers were discovered moon. Small amounts of methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and propane (C3H8) have been discovered in the springs, while small amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) into the atmosphere of Enceladus' were found. In addition, Cassini has also detected the presence of ethane (C2H6) andEthylene (C2H4), two other organic compounds.

A fifth ingredient is the existence of a kind "basis for complex chemistry." [13] The view of scientific theories about the beginning of life on Earth, as a chemical does not reach the body for space elsewhere. (Resulting in organic compounds such as amino acids from an "organic soup") in the two "primordial soup" and "metabolism first" (which appeared in the lives of young peopleMolecules, even small RNA, which "eats, carbon monoxide (CO) and sale of methane gas (CH4) and acetate (CH3COO)" recently strengthened by the discovery of Methanosarcina acetivorans, a marine microbe, [14] with only " two very simple proteins "for chemosynthesis for their metabolic needs) theories were the basis for the beginning of life on earth is not insurmountable great, especially because life is born in difficult conditions, when the earthAtmosphere consists primarily of toxic substances such as ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and water vapor.

Life expectancy can also be improved, as Enceladus has an intense radiation field and the reduced effectiveness of the sun's damaging ultraviolet (UV) due to lack of time (to reach more), the distance (1427000000 km or 886 million miles are from the Sun) and shield (part of the lunar surface of Saturn because of its protectedsynchronous rotation) factors.


Lives and fossilized cryophilic (cold-loving) microbes in Arctic ice environments where temperatures up to -90 degrees Fahrenheit (Greenland and northern Siberia) can drop below -125 degrees Fahrenheit (Antarctica) has found. They also found that the volcano is Sverrefjell Svalbard, an archipelago north of Norway, which would be "no living organisms have been provided [to exist after] are adaptedextreme cold conditions. "[15]

Examples include a moss, "which remained in existence, while at rest frozen for 40,000 years in the permafrost of the Kolyma lowland in the north-east of Siberia" covered [16] moss with orange sheets of cyanobacteria blacks "were found in growth" Matanuska Glacier on the ice in Alaska "and actinomycetes (" wire-or rod-shaped microorganisms ... [that] resemble bacteria and fungi ") and the metabolism of othervarious microbes found in samples of ancient ice from Beacon Valley, Antarctica and other local Arctic recovered. [17]

The recent discovery of "a new species of polychaete worms (also known as pink" ice worms ", which is about 1 to 2 cm in length) found that live on the exposed surface of methane (CH4) gas hydrate mound [s] "in cold water deep below the ocean surface are another positive sign. [18] However, the greatest encouragement from the discovery ofcryophiles chemosynthetic requiring no energy source for metabolism. Instead of such a source will receive, only those energy bodies' chemical reactions between rock and water (H2O). " [19]


Microbes living and fossils were found in geothermal environments or geologically active. An example is the existence of chemosynthetic microbes thermophiles (thermophilic) Norris Geyser Basin in Yellowstone, where temperatures constantly presentgreater than 158 degrees Fahrenheit and photosynthesis can not occur. Consequently, they use hydrogen (H2) to operate for their metabolism. This is particularly encouraging as hydrogen (H) is an important component of water (H2O) are 'and why the sun geysers of Enceladus' surface of Enceladus is probably not sufficient for photosynthesis.

In addition, the use chemosynthetic, thermophilic or hyperthermophilic (extreme thermophilic) bacteria, hydrogen sulfide (H2S) for the metabolic functions(Eg bacterium Aquifex aeolicus) and prokaryotic bacteria and cyanobacteria, together with larger organisms such as giant tube worms (Rifita pachyptila), giant clams (Caliptogena) and mussels), were also the air vents deep geothermal groundwater, where temperatures can reach 716 º Fahrenheit, and sunlight can not penetrate.

When it comes to bacteria Aquifex aeolicus, its requirements are very simple. These thermophilic microorganisms "needs nothing more than hydrogen(H), oxygen (O), carbon dioxide for growth (CO2) and mineral salts "[20] improves the possibility of chemosynthetic organisms or similar-type of Enceladus, exist primarily in its geothermal pressure chambers under the surface.

Extremophiles other

Along with thermophiles and extremophiles cryophilic (organisms that thrive in harsh environments "not realistic" environments), is also a third form - the life that lives in an anaerobic non-oxygen environment under theEarth's crust. Their existence has continued to improve the odds that extraterrestrial life may exist on Enceladus, mainly because the habitat most likely for such a life can be under the surface of Saturn's moon.

"Lunar" Microbes

Perhaps the most fascinating example of the possibility of life on Enceladus points is the proven fact that microbes can survive exposure to the rigors of space. If the probe Surveyor 3 landed on the Moon (Earth's Moon) toApril 20, 1967, was inhabited by an error of between 50 and 100 bacteria (Streptococcus mitis), which survives "to start, the space vacuum, 3 years of exposure to radiation, frozen at an average temperature of only 20 degrees above absolute zero (-453 degrees Fahrenheit), and no source of nutrients, water and energy. "[21] These organisms were still alive when the camera contaminated by Surveyor 3 was retrieved and returned to Earth by the crew of ' Apollo 12 on November 121969


The prospects for extraterrestrial life on Enceladus are very encouraging. "Enceladus is ... the fundamental chemical recipe for life A little bit of phosphorus and have everything you need to make the DNA -. Or perhaps a different DNA molecule." Robert Brown said: "[22]

On the basis of the existence of the critical ingredients of life, adaptability and a growing number of different extremophiles found thriving placesthat appear uninhabitable and hostile to life, being together with the amazing survival of microbes Surveyor 3, Enceladus seems to still hope to find extraterrestrial life. However, further exploration, analysis and research should be conducted to confirm the existence of this life, the ancient search for Planetology, as required, in the words of Carl Sagan (1934-1996), a legendary scientist , astronomer and writer, "Extraordinary claims outstandingEvidence. "[23]

During the Cassini flyby of Enceladus in 2006 and 2007 will perform the best chance to confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life, or approach in this direction is the 12th March 2008 Rendezvous. On this day the moon by Cassini of water clouds and ice particles will fly within 23 km (15 miles) from the surface of Enceladus' (when the Mission Control considered safe enough). But the probability of two-year extension of the Cassini missiondestined to end in 2008, and the missions are still needed, including landing probes (especially the south pole of Enceladus'), because in the words of Carolyn Porco, Cassini team leader at the Space Science Institute, "It is not clear that Cassini has the means to determine whether the ice crystals themselves contain microbes. It can be a device with much greater compositional rigor that we need, perhaps for a future mission that [because] we want to stayto do a better job of determining the composition of ICES from the quarries that contain the simplest organic compounds present in any other place. "[24]


[1] Jeffrey Zweerink, Ph.D. Enceladus: liquid water, but not life.

[2] Richard Black. Saturn's moon 'best for life. "

[3] Enceladus (moon).

[4] Enceladus (moon)

[5] Enceladus (moon).

[6] David Darling. cryovolcanism.

[7] Enceladus (moon).

[8] Alan Boyle. Could support liquid water on Saturn moon life.

[9] Enceladus (moon).

[10] Enceladus Erupting. Astrobiology Magazine.

[11] Bill Arnett. Enceladus. Saturn II

[12] The hydrothermal environments on the seafloor. and

[13] Peter N. Spotts. Life beyond Earth?Potential habitat of the solar system continue to appear.

[14] Michael Schirber. How life began: New research suggests a simple approach.

[15] David L. Chandler. Arctic Mars related instruments detect microbes.

[16] search for life on Mars will start in Siberia.

[17] For astrobiologists Hunt Small Game in Siberia. and

[18] Cold Environments of methane on the seabed.

[19] Life in extreme environments.

[20] hydrothermal environmentson the seabed.

[21] On Earth: extreme environments.

[22] Peter N. Spotts. Life beyond Earth? Potential habitat of the solar system continue to appear.

[23] Alan Boyle. Could support liquid water on Saturn moon life.

[24] David Leonardo. Saturn's moon inspires a gusher of questions.



Alan Boyle. Could support liquid water on Saturn moon March 9, 2006.

Alfred S. McEwen. Cassini reveals Saturn. Astronomy. July 2006 (Kalmbach Publishing Co., Milwaukee, WI., USA).

Astrobiologists To Hunt Small Game in Siberia. Science @ NASA. July 27, 1999. June 13, 2006.

Astrobiology Research Program - (ii) Origins of Life. Origins Institute at McMaster University. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 2006 June 13, 2006.

Bill Arnett. Enceladus. Saturn II February 17, 2005. June 13, 2006.

Calvin J. Hamilton. Enceladus. Saturn II 2005 June 13, 2006.

Environments cold methane on the seabed. June 13, 2006. [Http: / / / NASA / ocean_methane.htm]

Craig Levin. Life on Ice: The possibility of life on Europa and Enceladus. 13 June 19902006 [Http: / / / Zines / Quanta / life.html]

David L. Chandler. Arctic Mars related instruments detect microbes. October 5, 2005. June 13, 2006.

David Darling. cryovolcanism. The Encyclopedia of Astrobiology and Space. June 16, 2006. Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. 2006 June 15, 2006.

Earth microbes on the moon. Science @ NASA. September 1, 1998. June 15, 2006.

Elizabeth Svoboda. Saturn moon geyser of water and, just maybe, life. National Geographic News. March 10, 2006. June 13, 2006.

Enceladus Erupting. Astrobiology Magazine. December 7, 2005. June 13, 2006.

Enceladus (moon). 2006 June 13, 2006. (moon)

Exploring the deep ocean floor: Hot springs and strange creatures. USGS. June 13, 2006.

Henry Bortman. Some Like It Hot. March 7, 2001. June 13, 2006.

Hydrothermal environments on the seafloor. June 13, 2006.[Http: / / / NASA / ocean_hydrothermal.htm]

J. Parnell et al. Simple devices for concentration of microbial life ... June 13, 2006.

Jeffrey Zweerink, Ph.D. Enceladus: liquid water, but not life. 2005 June 13, 2006.[Http: / /]

Jonathan Amos. Saturn moon delights and baffles. August 30, 2005. June 13, 2006.

David Leonard. Saturn's moon inspires a gusher of questions. April 3, 2006. June 13, 2006.

Life in extreme environments. 2005 June 13, 2006.

Mark L. Skidmore et al. Microbial Life beneath a High Arctic Glacier. American Society for Microbiology. August 2000. June 13, 2006.

Michael Schirber. How life began: New research suggests a simple approach. Live Science. June 9, 2006. June 13, 2006.

Microbes in Yellowstone Hot Springs Fueled By ColorfulHydrogen, CU-Boulder researchers say. University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO January 24, 2005. June 13, 2006.

On Earth: extreme environments. June 13, 2006. [Http: / / / NASA / onearth_extreme.htm]

Peter N. Spotts. Life beyond Earth? Potential habitat of the solar system continue to appear. The Christian Science Monitor. September 29, 2005. June 13, 2006.

Richard Black. Saturn's moon 'best for life. "BBC April 10, 2006. June 13, 2006. [Http: / /]

Search for life on Mars will start in Siberia. Science @ NASA. May 27, 1999. June 13, 2006.

Enceladus may contain small ingredients of life. Physorg.Com. September 5, 2005. June 13, 2006.

Weather in the Arctic. All Things Arctic ™. 1998 June 13, 2006. [Http: / / / weather / index.aspx]

William Herschel. 2006 June 13, 2006.

Yellowstone microbes offers geothermal Clues to Ancient Life at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Boulder, CO June 13, 2006. [Http: / /]

Enceladus: the best hope yet for extraterrestrial life

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Keep your sleeping bag at home

!±8± Keep your sleeping bag at home

On the field there is only so much you can do to treat the sleeping bag. Remember to keep it clean and try to keep it away from anything wet, wet and dirty clothes.

At home you can do much more to keep your sleeping bag so that it can be a little 'longer. Treat these tips on how to wash, dry, repair and store your sleeping bag in the right way.

Washing and drying

- Keep your sleeping bag clean by washing frequently, but only ifnecessary. Cleaning too break down the properties of both synthetic and down fillings.

- Follow the manufacturer's manual and mild soap. You can hand wash or wash on gentle cycle of the washing machine. If your sleeping bag is too big, take a laundry and use a larger machine, but never dry clean a sleeping bag.

- If you use the dryer, use the lowest setting. Place a tennis ball in the machine, which prevent from sticking together.The ball will help to break up any lumps.

- In wet conditions to be treated with extreme caution. Do not dry on a clothesline. Finding a place that support the weight of the bag, so as not to tear the delicate harassment. Hanging on the dryer is a common practice.


- Keep your sleeping bag in a large cotton storage bag. Make sure the bags are loose in the bag. Avoid placing the bag in a lot of stuff for long periods of storage, because it reduces too much to compress itsAttic.

- Keep your sleeping bag in a plastic bag because the moisture is trapped and then be a fertile land suitable for mold and bacteria. Just save your pocket when it is completely dry.


- The tears must be repaired immediately, especially those on the outer fabric and lining.

- For the temporary repair with tape or tape Gaffer. Instead of cutting the ribbon is cut into a square, a circle in it, so as not to snag the fabric.

- PermanentRepairs can be made with a nylon tape repairs or patches, which are sold in most outdoor stores.

- You can also ask a professional company that can do repairs for tears, separated seams and zipper problems. There are quite a few 'of these companies are and might even ask for a discount if you run well.

Keep your sleeping bag at home

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Sunday, August 14, 2011

The best materials for a fire - coal vs. wood

!±8± The best materials for a fire - coal vs. wood

Human history is full of people trying to find innovative solutions in all areas. Warm-up: One of the most controversial topics is available on more closely related to human need. Powerful when the sun is not useful enough, people have tried to find an alternative. This phase of heating, cooking and connected so on. In a word, they need fuel.

In today's world is trying to find alternative fuels. People have recognized how important it is to go back to our roots and see howuseful timber for use. People have used for almost everything. Theoretically, the biomass can be easily enriched. It means planting trees, a source for the future. Wood is a sustainable form of energy. It is very expensive if you burn as a material.

It 'true that wood with the release of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and serious respiratory diseases can affect. But the use of wood as fuel is preferable because there is no waterPollution.

All together, produces wood ash to reduce the calorie content of the fire. Another factor that contributes to the reduction of the same calorific value, is the humidity. Of course, these objects should think before you say that nothing in comparison with fireplaces, some of the protocols used to think warm.

However, the other solution is coal. The interior of our planet contains large amounts of coal. Just as in the case of wood, coal means that pollute the air. ButIn addition, increasing the amount of carbon that is higher than the heating power. And the price is acceptable, as a whole.

In theory, both options have positive and negative aspects. In order to discuss these gas furnaces are a much better solution. It 'easy and elegant. In addition to these gas furnaces, there is no ash and no smoke. Gas ovens Lent, the best parts of both wood or coal fires. This involves improving the image of the two. Stop for a while ',to think and you'll see I'm right.

The best materials for a fire - coal vs. wood

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